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Scientific Research and Graduate Studies. Scientific Research and Graduate Studies. The Jordan Journal of Applied Science. King Abdullah Development Fund Office. Regulations for the Award of the Bachelor. University Financial Directives Fees and Deposits. Center for Studies, Consultation and Social Service.
The digital library of the Lucian Blaga Central University Library Cluj. The digital library of the Lucian Blaga Central University Library from Cluj-Napoca comprises books, manuscripts, serial publications and iconographic material held in its collections. Publications that are relevant for the history of Cluj-Napoca and Transylvania.
Repositorio digital de acceso abierto a trabajos de investigación generados en las Escuelas y Facultades de la Universidad de Montemorelos. DSpace en Universidad de Montemorelos. Escriba el texto a buscar en DSpace. Elija una comunidad para visualizar sus colecciones. Facultad de ciencias de la salud. Facultad de ingeniería y tecnología.